Why Smart Offices are Switching to External Venetian Blinds
If you work in an office with giant windows, you probably know the struggle. In the summer, the sun turns your workspace into a sauna. In the winter, the cold seems to seep right through the glass. You crank up the air conditioning or the heating, but it feels like a never-ending battle.
External venetian blinds might be the answer you’re looking for. Let’s look into why more businesses are making the switch, and why it might be time for you to do the same.
Why external beats internal every time It’s a sunny day, and heat and light is relentlessly beating down on your large office windows. If you’ve got internal blinds, some of that heat penetrates through the glass of your windows before being blocked by the blinds. But by that point, your rooms are already heating up because the heat has made its way inside. On the other hand, external venetian blinds intercept the sun’s rays before they hit your windows.
When winter arrives with its freezing cold winds, your external venetian blinds block the cold blasts before they can reach your windows. When closed, they also create an additional air barrier between your office and the frigid temperatures outside. This air pocket acts as natural insulation, keeping heat from escaping through your windows. Your heating system won’t have to work as hard, leading to potential energy savings right when heating costs tend to skyrocket.
Warema’s external venetian blinds are a game changer. You can use them as a tool to control the climate in your office and adjust them through the day to maintain optimal indoor conditions.
Benefits of external venetian blinds
External venetian blinds can do way more than just block sunlight. They’re a multi-functional solution that addresses several of the challenges we face in office environments.
Energy efficiency By preventing solar heat gain in summer and providing insulation in winter, these blinds can significantly reduce your HVAC costs.
Better light control Unlike fixed shading solutions, external venetian blinds can be adjusted to eliminate glare while still letting in natural light. Your employees will no longer be squinting at their screens or closing the blinds to work under artificial light all day!
Improved comfort Consistent temperatures throughout your office means no more hot spots near windows or cold zones elsewhere. Fewer temperature-related complaints = more productive employees!
Sustainability goals If your company is working towards green building certification or sustainability goals, external venetian blinds can help you tick those boxes.
Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room: cost We won’t sugarcoat it – external venetian blinds require a bigger upfront investment than some internal solutions. However, this is where we need to think long-term. When you factor in: • Reduced energy costs • Better employee comfort and productivity • Lower maintenance requirements compared to internal blinds • Increased value of your building The initial investment starts to look more like a smart business decision than an expense.
The bottom line While external venetian blinds might seem like a significant investment, they’re one of those rare solutions that combine immediate benefits (improved comfort and light control) with long-term advantages (energy savings and sustainability). In today’s world, where employee comfort and environmental responsibility are increasingly important, they’re becoming less of a luxury and more of a necessity for forward-thinking offices.
If you're serious about creating a more comfortable, efficient, and sustainable office environment, external venetian blinds deserve a spot at the top of your consideration list. Of course, there’s an initial investment. But the long-term returns – both tangible and intangible – make them a smart choice for modern offices.
Considering external venetian blinds for your office? We offer unbiased advice on some of the best blinds in Suffolk. Plus, we can come straight to your office – so you won’t have to take time out of your work day to travel. Get in contact with us to book your free, no-obligation consultation.